A professora Suzete Chiviacowsky, do curso de mestrado
Durante o Congresso NASPSPA 2010 Conference (North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Exercise), ela apresentou, em conjunto com os pesquisadores: Gabriele Wulf, Rebecca Lewthwaite, e Cristopher Janelle, o trabalho Motivation and motor learning/control: An essential interface for movement science. O título da palestra da professora Suzete foi Self-controlled learning.
Os temas livres foram em conjunto com os mestrandos da UFPel e da (University of nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV):
1) Reduced frequency of knowledge of results enhances learning in subjects with Parkinson disease Chiviacowsky, Suzete, Tiago Campos; Federal University of Pelotas
2) An external focus of attention enhances balance learning in older adults Clark, Suzete, Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Raquel Wally, Universidade Federal
de Pelotas; Nels Rydberg, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Gabriele Wulf, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.